Terms and Conditions
Before registering and applying for a Hello Approved product or service, please make sure to carefully read these general terms of service.
The use of Hello Approved products and services is governed by these terms and conditions, which form a binding contract. These terms and conditions also exempt Hello Approved and other persons from liability, specify the jurisdiction for resolving disputes and include other important provisions.
When you register or send your information with Hello Approved or apply for a Hello Approved product or service, you are indicating that you have read, comprehended, and accepted these general terms of service.
If you do not consent to these general terms of service, you are not permitted to apply or submit an order for a Hello Approved product or service.
By using the website www.helloapproved.com, you agree to these terms set by Hello Approved. The website advertises and facilitates orders for a range of products and services, including vehicles, extended vehicle warranties, insurance, and loans, collectively referred to as “Products and Services” and each as a “Product” or “Service” as appropriate, offered by Hello Approved.
By accepting these terms, you agree to the following.
If you apply for products or services or use any product or service, you are entering into a binding agreement with Hello Approved. Your registration, applications, or orders signify your complete acceptance of the current version of these terms. If you do not unconditionally accept and agree to these terms, you cannot apply for a product or service.
Additional Contracts
The use of the Website is governed by the Website’s Terms of Use, which can be found on the Website. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these Terms and the Website Terms of Use, the Website Terms of Use will take precedence and control matters related to the Website, while these Terms will take precedence and control all other matters.
Modifications to these Terms
The Terms may be modified by Hello Approved at any time and without prior notice. The updated Terms will be posted on the Website and will take effect immediately unless stated otherwise. It is your responsibility to check the “Last Updated” date and review any changes made since the previous version. You are not permitted to make any changes to these Terms.
If you are not eligible to use the Product or Service as stated above, if you are prohibited by applicable law from using the Product or Service, if you do not agree to these Terms, if you have violated these Terms, or if Hello Approved has barred you from applying for or ordering Products and Services, you may not submit an application or order for a Product or Service.
Hello Approved has the right to refuse to accept applications or orders for Products or Services from you or any other person, at its discretion and for its sole convenience, notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of these Terms. These General Terms of Service were last updated on June 3rd, 2024.
Products and Services Use
Products and Services can be used by you for your personal, lawful, non-commercial use only and must comply with these Terms and all relevant laws. Using a Product or Service for any other purpose or in any other way is not allowed.
Accurate Information
When applying for a Product or Service, you may need to give specific details about yourself, such as your legal name, contact information, and payment information, and provide certain authorizations or instructions. It is your responsibility to make sure that all the information you provide to Hello Approved is truthful, accurate, up-to-date, and complete, and to update this information regularly to maintain its accuracy, truthfulness, and completeness.
The information you provide will be relied upon by Hello Approved. Hello Approved is not required to confirm the accuracy, truth, currency, or completeness of any information you provide. However, Hello Approved may choose to do so at its discretion. By submitting information, you consent to Canada Hello Approved conducting reasonable inquiries and investigations to verify the information you provide.
You are entirely responsible and accountable for any loss, damage, or liability (including extra costs) that may arise from your submission of false, incorrect, or incomplete information, your failure to promptly update your information if it changes, or any other violation of your obligations under this section of accurate information.
Personal Information Privacy
Related to Credit Reports and Bank Information
When you request, place an order for a Product or Service, or apply to get approved for credit, you are permitting Hello Approved or its representatives to collect, utilize, reveal, and store your personal information as outlined in the Hello Approved Privacy Policy (available online at https://helloapproved.com/privacy-policy/), which may be updated periodically, and as allowed by relevant laws.
When applying for certain Products or Services, such as purchasing a vehicle, provided by Hello Approved, Hello Approved may access and periodically access your credit score and related information from a credit reporting agency to process or fulfill the transaction for purposes as outlined in the Hello Approved Privacy Policy.
If Hello Approved directs you to a separate company (such as a lender or credit card company) for a potential transaction (like a loan or credit card), then: (a) the separate company may ask for a credit report(s) or bank account information for any valid purpose related to the potential transaction; and (b) Hello Approved may gather information about the transaction from that separate company to update your info for use by all Hello Approved Companies.
At Hello Approved, we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the Website and in communications regarding your applications and orders for Products and Services. However, occasional misprints, errors, inaccuracies, omissions, and other mistakes may occur, including incorrect specifications for Products and Services. Hello Approved has the right to correct any misprints, errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without prior notice or liability to you or any other person. We also reserve the right to change the Products and Services advertised on the Website, as well as their prices, fees, charges, and specifications, along with any promotional offers and other Website content, without any notice or liability to you or any other person. If you place an order for a Product or Service for which incorrect information was provided, we will make the necessary corrections, you have the right to cancel your order if needed, and you should be given a fair chance to do so.
- When you propose your vehicle to Hello Approved, it is considered an offer. Hello Approved will accept your vehicle once it confirms its acceptance.
- Please note that the advertisements on the Website are invitations for you to make offers to purchase and are not actual offers to sell. Your completed and delivered application or order is considered your offer to purchase the Products and Services mentioned in the application or order. Hello Approved will consider your application or order accepted once Hello Approved confirms the acceptance of your application or order.
- All amounts listed on the Website are in Canadian dollars, unless stated otherwise. Hello Approved can modify advertised prices on the Website whenever necessary. Your order’s total cost will comprise the price of the purchased Products and Services, as well as any relevant taxes, delivery, and handling fees. The completed order will display the price, taxes, and charges, which will be billed to your credit card or chosen payment method upon order acceptance.
- The products and services advertised on the website might not be accessible when ordered or at a later time. If you place an order for a product or service that is unavailable, Hello Approved will inform you via email or text message. Hello Approved has the discretion to reject or cancel any order you make and to restrict the quantities available for sale or sold.
- You are responsible for obtaining, setting up, maintaining, and safeguarding all equipment, software, and services required for using your Products and Services. Hello Approved may offer technical support at its discretion but is not obligated to do so. Your use of technical support is subject to these Terms. Any electronic communications, including text messages, sent to or received from Hello Approved may incur standard message and data rates from your service providers, and you are responsible for paying those charges.
When providing feedback (including ideas or suggestions for improving the Website, Product, or Service) to Hello Approved, Hello Approved and its licensors have the right to use and profit from the feedback in any manner and for any purpose without offering compensation to you or any other individual.
You permit Hello Approved to consider communications received through your email as if they were written and signed by you, share your communications with its service providers, and reply to your communications via your email, or other communication methods.
Intellectual Property Rights
All rights reserved. © 2024 Hello Approved. The Hello Approved Companies and their licensors solely own the products and services, as well as the technologies and data used to provide them, along with all related proprietary rights (including copyright). These are protected by Canadian and international intellectual property laws. Your purchase or use of a product or service does not grant you any right, title, or interest in, to, or associated with the product or service, or any related technologies and data, or any related intellectual property rights.
Notice of Disclaimer
We offer our services on a “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. All warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement, are hereby disclaimed by Hello Approved and its suppliers and licensors. There is no guarantee that our Services will be error-free or that access to them will be continuous or uninterrupted by Hello Approved, its suppliers, or its licensors. You acknowledge that you download content or use our services in any other way at your own risk and discretion.
Restriction of Liability
Utilizing this website entails users accepting all risks. Hello Approved and its affiliates disclaim all liability for any direct or indirect consequences resulting from using this website or any linked websites, including but not limited to hardware damage, data loss, and monetary loss. Nothing at all is guaranteed regarding the content of this website. This website’s content is intended purely for informational reasons; Hello Approved, their affiliates, or members do not make any sales offers for goods or services through it. Errors and omissions are possible. In the event that this website allows for the sale of goods or services, specific terms will apply to those transactions. Ensure that you have reviewed the terms and conditions provided here before finalizing any transactions.
Technology Disclaimer:
The website, Products, and services may be affected by numerous circumstances beyond Hello Approved control. The products, services, and websites also are possible to have limitations, delays, and other issues relating to the use of electronic communications and the internet. Hello Approved disclaims all liability and responsibility for any delays, missed deliveries, or other losses or damages arising from those circumstances, restrictions, delays, or other issues.
You agree to protect, compensate, and release Hello Approved from any losses, damages, expenses (including legal fees), claims, complaints, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, obligations, and liabilities (including settlement payments) that arise from, are connected with, or related to your use of a product or service, or your negligence, misconduct, or breach of these terms.
We reserve the right to end or suspend your access to our Services, either in whole or in part, at any time, with or without reason, with or without prior notice, and with immediate effect.
If you wish to end the Agreement, you can do so by ceasing to use our Services.
All terms of the Agreement that are inherently meant to endure beyond termination will remain in effect, including, but not limited to, ownership rights, disclaimers of warranties, indemnification, and limitations of liability.
Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
Unless otherwise specified by applicable law, the Agreement and any use of our Services will be governed by Canadian law.
Any disputes arising from or related to the Agreement and the use of our Services will be resolved in the state and federal courts of Canada.
The website and its contents, including links to third-party websites, will be subject to both Canadian and Quebec laws. Legal matters will be exclusively handled by the courts in Montreal.
Hello Approved reserves the right to amend or replace these Terms at our discretion.
In the event of significant changes, we will notify you through our website, email, or other means before the changes take effect. You will be given a reasonable period to review the new terms.
If you disagree with the changes, you should discontinue using our Services within the specified notice period or upon the changes becoming effective.
Your continued use of our Services implies acceptance of the new terms.
Contact Us
If you provided personal information on this website and wish to have it removed from our databases, please send your request to sales@helloapproved.com